I ponder this word “charism,” this word that means gift;I allow it to flow, around and through me, that I may taste the sweetness of the infinite; the gift of spirit…As it flows, my fear to live most fully ebbs a moment,and I can see the face of Mater. Sophia.Mother Most Admired.
Remember oh most gracious Mother, that never was it known,that anyone who sought your help was left without protection.
I’ve always turned toward her. In my girl’s body I could find a resemblance, a sense That I belonged to her,That she loved me; that it was good to be a girl, to be here on the earth, that it really didMatter what I thought, perceived, felt passionate about, and loved.
Inspired by this, and with a sense of confidence, I have come now to you. Before you IStand in my humanity.
Her face is strong as this little girl greets her. She sits straight, in relaxed contemplativePose, gazing; gazing at what?
I learned to want to see what she can see.Through her I begin to grow a deeply personal relationship with the Divine.From her I learn the infinitely loving presence of a Mother-Father God.From her I learn what it means to be impelled to action,To take our deeply personal dialogue into the larger context of the world.The passage of time, life becoming more complex and demanding,Womanhood and human relationships pulling me in new directions.And Mater’s gaze, her stance of surety and peace, remaining constant.
Like a beacon through which I can see the timelessness of this work;And come to know that this work requires constant sustenance,And vigilance, and the waters of Divine Grace.That soul work is deeply human in cooperation with the Divine.
Into what does Mater gaze? Who does she see?Oh Mother of us all, please hear my request.Hear and answer it in your mercy, and accept my gratitude.
~ Lucy Robinson Garcia