Where is my Life headed? What is most important to me?Who else has these questions?
Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich is hosting the first LifeLine Weekend in connection with the My Call Me Back mobile application.
Friday, February 27, 2015 5:00 p.m. - Sunday, March 1, 2015 noon
This retreat will provide students the space and support to reflect on their lives, the needs of the world, and their place in this world. Pillars of the retreat are spirituality, community, social justice and belonging to something bigger. This weekend connects to the new Society App – My Call Me Back.
Religious of the Sacred Heart Reyna Gonzalez and Maureen Chicoine, along with Sacred Heart educator Lori Wilson and Itza Martinez are planning the event, wtih upper school Sacred Heart students in mind.
Cost of the retreat is $55 per participant, which will pay for meals.
Registration is open now until January 30, 2015. For more details or to reserve a spot, please email Lori Wilson at wilsonl@cshct.org.