In anticipation of the creation of the Conference of Sacred Heart Education in the United States and Canada, the leadership team of the United States – Canada Province has asked Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, to become the first Head of the Conference. Sister Cooke, currently serving as headmistress of Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, has generously agreed to lead the Conference when it is launched in August 2015.
The Conference of Sacred Heart Education is being created as part of the Society of the Sacred Heart’s commitment to the future of Sacred Heart education in Canada and the United States. Over the last several years, the leadership of this province and the leadership of the twenty-four Sacred Heart schools in the United States and Canada have worked together to create a new structure and a new relation-based paradigm to ensure the vitality of the Society’s mission in the schools. The Conference will serve as a forum for genuine conversation regarding the evolving mission of Sacred Heart education. It will be integrated with the Network of Sacred Heart Schools.
As Head of Conference, Sister Cooke’s primary responsibility is to sustain the relationship between the Society of the Sacred Heart and each school through ongoing communications and education. In collaboration with a group of provincial team-appointed advisors, Sister Cooke will have responsibilities in the area of governance, education to mission and accountability for mission. The Head of Conference’s role is essentially one of giving direction, guidance and support to the Schools of the Sacred Heart on behalf of the Society of the Sacred Heart.
Sister Cooke has served as headmistress of Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart since 1998. Her acceptance of her new role as Head of Conference came only after much prayer and discernment.
“We are grateful for her decision and thank the Carrollton community for preparing her to serve the entire Network with vision and energy for the future,” said Provincial Barbara Dawson, RSCJ. “I can think of no one better suited to lead the Conference during its vital first years.”
The creation of the Conference of Sacred Heart education marks an exciting new chapter for Sacred Heart education in the United States and Canada, a new chapter in the 200-year story of making God’s love visible through the service of education.