Recently, Anne-Marie Conn, RSCJ, facilitated a process with Associates, using Theory U and mental models as tools to help us identify who we are as Associates of the Society of the Sacred Heart, what is essential to that relationship, how we cultivate the relationship on a personal and communal level, and ways that we might plant seeds for further development of relationship.
It was clear that a relationship and encounter with God, RSCJ and each other are the constants that keep the Associate relationship viable.
As Associates, we are people rooted in the charism and in the Constitutions of the Society as they apply to us. We are wholly contemplative and wholly apostolic with a firm foundation in education to mission.
We express this commitment in personal and communal prayer, service and in an attitude of mutuality. Discernment; reflecting on justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC) issues; ongoing formation; and relationship with RSCJ and other Associates are some ways that help us to strengthen our relationships.
Communications both from the Society and the United States – Canada Province Leadership Team, Society documents and visits from Central and Provincial team members strengthen our connection to the larger community. We have only touched the surface of who God is calling us to be and what God is asking us to do. We will continue to dialogue as we grow in the relationship and look for ways to expand the relationship.
For more on the Associates of the Sacred Heart, visit the Associates website.