During this week when the people of the United States celebrate a national holiday of thanksgiving, we are confronted by the reality that all is not well and that the aspiration for a peaceful and prosperous nation held by our foremothers and forefathers are still beyond our grasp. Let us pray together, in thanksgiving for the many gifts that God has given us, and in supplication to reconcile the many struggles that so many of our people endure. In particular this week, let us pray this LITANY OF HOPE from the core of our beings that violence and hatred cease, throughout our world and among the people who call the United States and Canada home…
When hatred dominates … may we announce by our lives the primacy of love.When we are seriously offended … may we offer forgiveness.When conflict is rampant … may we offer to build peace. When error is entrenched … may we proclaim truth.When doubt paralyzes … may we awaken faith.When distress weighs heavily … may we revitalize hope.When heaviness and despair overwhelm … may we bring an air of healing.When sadness reigns … may we liberate the joy within us.When betrayed by love … may we be open to healing.When confronted by evil … may we proclaim that ‘goodness’ is stronger.When our hearts are wrenched by injustice … may we be steadfast in working to promote and proclaim peace with justice.Amen.