By Anne Montgomery, RSCJ (RIP)
In this Kairos time of crisis and challenge, may we, like Mary of Nazareth, be open to the Spirit who calls us to new ways of incarnating the Word of truth and love.
In the face of harsh judgment even by those closest, may we, too, ponder deep in ourhearts a response inspired by the nonviolent Christ who went beyondtraditional teachings to grow to maturity in wisdom and grace.
May we invite the servants in the house of our Church to respond intrust to the faith that turns water into new wine, bursting the oldskins of paternalism and outgrown legalistic structures,
May we, in the bold meekness of the Syrophoenecian woman, challengeour Church to an inclusivity that dissolves fear to enrich and fill upthe Body of Christ.
May we, by nonviolent and creative actions that speak louder thanwords, pour out whatever gifts we have, remembering the promise to thewoman at Bethany: "Wherever the gospel is preached throughout theworld, what she has done will be told in memory of her."(Mk. 14:9)
May we have the courage to leave our securities and publicly followthe way of the cross to stand by the One who rejected the sword,healed the enemy, and challenged the perversion of truth by fidelityto it.
May we stand firm, even when darkness and chaos seem to fill ourthreatened earth, and express hope in the hidden energy of creativehope and love.
May we carry the message to the fearful disciples of the resurrectionof a new humanity, birthed by the Spirit in the heart of a creationthat groans " in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." (Rom. 8:22)