Week 22 (August 16-22)
During the pandemics of COVID-19 and Racism, let us create space for the pain, anger and confusion that plagues our communities and world, and in the same breath, hold space for hope, truth and justice.
In this, we invite you into Espacio, or space, in the spirit of oneness with our God and with one another.
Please join our Sacred Heart community worldwide at:
12 p.m. PDT
1 p.m. MDT
2 p.m. CDT
3 p.m. EDT
4 p.m. ADT
7 p.m. GMT
How does one begin?
Espacio is simple and practical. The first step is to decide that such space in one’s life is of value. Having made this decision, it is helpful to consider when and where such space is possible given the reality of life. Try and make the time and space consistent. Another important decision involves adopting certain practices to help yourself remain attentive during the silence. Some people do a simple breathing exercise; others pick a word that can be repeated quietly when distractions come in and out of our minds. Once these decisions have been made, begin.
- Breathe in and out quietly to become settled and calm.
- Remind yourself through a simple prayer your desire to open your heart to the Spirit dwelling within.
- Enjoy the five minutes or so of silence.
- When distractions appear, quietly say your word with the desire to return to the silence you seek.
- End with a prayer of gratitude and/or petition.
- Please keep in mind that espacio is intended to be a simple and helpful way of preparing our hearts and minds to receive the gift of intimate relationship with the divine.
Source: Sacred Heart Educators: An Orientation to Mission