Heart is published two times a year to highlight the mission and ministries of the Society of the Sacred Heart United States – Canada Province, for a wide circle of friends.

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Heart Magazine, Winter 2012

Heart Magazine, Winter 2012 (Vol. 10, No. 2)

"...We recognize dialogue as the way to a more human world, a life with Spirit." (Chapter 2008 Documents)
This issue of Heart magazine focuses on the Chapter Priority of Dialogue Toward Communion: Walking with Humanity.

Heart Magazine - Spring 2010 (Vol. 8, No. 1)

The exquisite beauty of the Japanese Spirea on our cover, the brilliance of color, the array of many small flowers within the heart-shaped blossom all came from what were barren branches just a few months ago. How we welcome Spring, this spectacle of creation’s resilience.

Heart Magazine - Winter 2009 (Vol. 7, No. 2)

In the flow of seasons, the winter months are a fallow time. If we take our cues from nature, slow down, and pay attention, and if we can be present to this season, there is richness in the quiet of winter, in the darkness of long nights (the realm of owls), in the stillness and silence. Here we can be present to ourselves “where chance seeds may grow as the wind conveys them,” present to our life experiences from which to draw wisdom, and we can be present to God – who is very near and yet unknowable, mysteriously present to us.

Heart Magazine - Spring 2009 (Vol. 7, No. 1)

In a recent homily, I heard these words: “Let God’s plans be your plans. Let God’s problems be your problems.” And I was taken with the directness of that call. At times, I think and pray in just the opposite way: “Please God, bless my plans, and help me with these problems that are on my plate.”
